It’s November & I’m Restarting Now

It’s been roughly 8 months since I’ve written in here. And I realize that is no way to get new followers, show off my skills, and stick to a project. This happens to me a lot and I’m trying to figure out what to do. So I have decided to dedicate this blog to just cooking and letting myself measure whatever I want and research whatever  I need. Because in the end, I’ll get to where I want to be as long as I start from the beginning with the basics.

With the Holidays coming up soon, I know my stress levels will be at a high, and though I have gotten into yoga and pilates (fitness!), I think getting back into cooking will definitely help calm me down.

To bring it all back into food, I’ve decided to bring up something I have thought about doing. A Clean Eating Challenge.

Specifically this one –


Clean Eating Challenge
Clean Eating Challenge

I think the whole idea of eating clean for two weeks and really trying to avoid processed, fatty, sugary, unhealthy foods is something I need to explore more – especially with me wanting to be healthy and stay healthy. I try to make good decisions, but sometimes french fries and cheese get the best of me…all too often.

You might be thinking, “You are going to do this during the holiday season? Yeah it’s just two weeks but OMGOSH that’s like…totally insane. Totally.”

Rows of corn

Yeah – it is totally insane. And I think I may wait til the new year…I am a super procrastinator and clearly this is no exception. But I feel like I have been getting better about my health and this holiday season should test me on those normal urges and desires to eat 3 slices of pumpkin pie after eating 3 helpings of Christmas dinner. I really want to see how my progress has gone before diving into something that may completely change how I do things.

Ready for New Cooking Adventures!
Ready for New Cooking Adventures!

Yes it’s not the new year – it’s NOVEMBER, the year is almost over. But I’m ready to start this thing up again and get back into the groove of cooking. It’s time for me to be held accountable of keeping up with this blog and cooking for myself. 😀

For my next cooking adventure, we’ll revisit chilli and how warm & cozy it is on these fall evenings.